What are you thinking?

What are you thinking?

So many times we just go through our days and don’t really pay attention to what we are thinking. It’s like we just go through our daily routines of getting ready for the day and we head out to work, school, or whatever is on our schedule for the day and then go to bed at the end of the day and don’t pay attention to what we’ve been thinking about all day.

There’s a difference in letting life happen to us and living our lives with intention every day. Being present in our lives and the lives of those we come in to contact with every day is such a key to having healthy connection. We become what we behold.

What am I thinking during my day? Am I focused on what I need to get done and intentionally filling myself with what I need for the day? Am I meditating on things that will fuel my creativity for that project at work? Am I in tune with my partner and what is going on in our relationship?

I have to really be intentional and think about what I’m thinking about. I have a lot of say in how my day goes when I’m engaged with what I’m thinking. When I’m just running around thinking about things that happened in a relationship or in a recent phone call and I don’t focus on the meeting that I have in a few minutes then, only part of me will show up and that probably won’t work out well.

Most days I like to give myself about 30 minutes or more first thing in the morning to focus on what is on my schedule for the day and then I read something inspiring or listen to some music that helps me set my tone for the day or I journal. Some days I do all of those things. Journaling is a way that helps me process my feelings about what’s going on in my life and it helps me realize where I’m at emotionally.

Our thoughts are like a pair of glasses; they affect how we see things. Am I thinking about the encouraging verses that I meditated on this morning? Or, am I listening to the thoughts of how unequipped I feel and comparing myself to someone who I think is more talented than I am?

It takes intentionality to shut off those unproductive thoughts. But, the upside of that is, once we become more aware of what we’re thinking then we can stop those thoughts more quickly and when we do that we feel empowered.

I believe each of us is powerful. We just need to tap in to that power and use it. We have just as much power to think positively as we do to think negatively. Yes we do! If we are having trouble overcoming those negative thoughts on our own then we need to find someone to help us grow, to hold us accountable and our thoughts will change if we want them to. Accountability is a key to growth.

So, what are you thinking? Are your thoughts your own? Are they helping and empowering you to go through your day feeling like the amazing person that you are? Or, are your thoughts sucking the energy out of you and causing you to feel stuck?

We have control over what we think about. We really do. I’m baking a chicken right now and my house smells amazing and I’m so ready to eat it. You just thought about chicken didn’t you?

Norman Rockwell or abstract paint spatters?

Norman Rockwell or abstract paint spatters?

 Loving Ourselves

Loving Ourselves