The Gift of 'You' for the Holidays

The Gift of 'You' for the Holidays

We all have different views of the holiday’s. For some of us, it’s a time that we look forward to all year. We get together with people we haven’t seen in awhile and we can’t wait to be with them and make new memories and catch up on one another’s lives. Our conversations just flow and there is love and an ease to our time and we realize how much we love and miss them.

For some of us it’s a time that creates anxiety every time we think about it. We are uncertain of how the time will pass and how our interactions with our friends and family will be played out. We think—’what topics are safe to talk about’? Why do I always end up feeling ______________ (sad, frustrated, misunderstood, you name it) when we get together?

Our relationships vary in many ways with our families and friends and that’s okay. We want to love and honor our friends and family, I really believe that. Sometimes that’s easier said than done but, I want to encourage all of us that the best thing we can do when we’re with our friends and family is just be ourselves.

We’ve all been around people who are trying to be something that they’re really not and it creates some tension and isn’t comfortable for them or anyone else. You really are a gift. Your personality, your quirks, your passions, your heart are a gift. Your vulnerability and authenticity are a gift. Not everyone may view those things as a gift but, that’s not for you to be concerned about.

When you’re just ‘you’ you have a sense of peace and calm. You don’t have to strive to be, you just are. That’s attractive and creates an atmosphere that encourages others to just be themselves too.

We have a few weeks until Christmas and there’s plenty of time to set an intention to give the most authentic ‘you’ that you can. We will never regret just being ourselves and giving from our hearts the gifts that we have of love, honor, compassion, understanding, acceptance, joy.

Our goal isn’t perfection, our goal is love and authenticity. We really owe it to those we love to give our ‘real selves’. We also recognize and have grace for ourselves as we are with different people. We do what we can. We are real with safe people and we are kind and loving with those who may not feel as safe to us.

As we look back on this holiday season may we find ourselves grateful for sharing the gift of ‘us’. May we realize that by being brave and loving things turned out a bit differently than we thought they would or that they did in the past.

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